Bräuche des Altertums
Bekiffte Skythen in der Sauna! Und Herodot staunte sehr!!

**wegschmeiß vor Lachen**


gorillaschnitzel, Dienstag, 22. Januar 2008, 22:23
Worüber staunte denn Herodot? Übers Kiffen oder über die Sauna?

sethos, Dienstag, 22. Januar 2008, 22:37
Okay, Kontext
Das ist, was meine gute Freundin Sally aus Wales, nicht nur vom Regen in die Traufe geraten (schrottigen Dell-Computer mit XP eingetauscht gegen gescheiten Toshiba-Computer mit schrottigem Vista drauf), sondern auch Skythen-Fan, gerade erzählte:
Herodotus talks about the fantastic vapour baths they had and how they were the very best thing EVAH - much better than the Greek ones, and how the Scythians enjoyed them so much they would 'howl with pleasure'. And it was wondered just what the fuck went on.

But the more recent excavations have discovered the bronze vessels they used to fill with hot stones and traces of cannabis in amongst them. Cue mental image of fearsome Scythian warriors having massive gigglefit. Very common equipment even in quite lowly burials.

But the way they set it up you wouldn't do it where it wasn't absolutely safe -- getting stoned then coming round really hungry and looking for mares to milk. Incidentally that makes sense too because mare's milk is very high in Vitamin C so even on a mainly meat diet they wouldn't get scurvy.
Das wiederum amüsierte mich so sehr, daß ich es prompt bloggen mußte.-